How to earn money by google maps

Google Maps is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we navigate and explore the world around us. But did you know that it can also be used to make money? In this article, we’ll explore several ways you can earn money through Google Maps.

How to earn money by google maps

How to earn money by google maps

Becoming a Local Guide

One of the easiest ways to earn money through Google Maps is by becoming a Local Guide. Local Guides are users who contribute information about local businesses and places on Google Maps. As a Local Guide, you can earn points for your contributions, which can then be redeemed for rewards like Google Drive storage or gift cards. To become a Local Guide, simply sign up for a Google account and start contributing.

Creating a Business Listing

If you own a business, creating a business listing on Google Maps can be an effective way to attract new customers. A business listing provides important information like your hours of operation, phone number, and website. You can also add photos and reviews to make your business listing more attractive. By optimizing your business listing, you can improve your visibility on Google Maps and attract more customers.

Using Google Maps for Delivery Services

If you’re interested in starting a delivery service, Google Maps can be a valuable tool. By using the Directions API, you can calculate the distance between two points and determine the fastest route. You can also use the Places API to find nearby restaurants and other businesses that offer delivery services. By using Google Maps to optimize your delivery service, you can save time and money while providing a better experience for your customers.

Creating Custom Maps

Another way to earn money through Google Maps is by creating custom maps. If you have a unique perspective on a particular location, you can create a custom map and share it with others. For example, you could create a map of the best restaurants in your city or a map of the most scenic hiking trails in your area. By sharing your custom maps on social media or other platforms, you can attract a following and potentially monetize your content.

Creating Google Street View Content

If you have a passion for photography or videography, you can create Google Street View content and earn money through Google’s Street View Trusted program. The Street View Trusted program is designed for photographers and agencies who create high-quality 360-degree panoramic images and videos. By becoming a Street View Trusted photographer, you can earn money by creating content for Google Maps.


Google Maps is a powerful tool that offers a range of opportunities for earning money. Whether you’re a Local Guide, a business owner, or a creative professional, there are many ways to monetize your content and expertise through Google Maps. So why not start exploring these opportunities today?

In 2012, I graduated from the university with a degree in Computer Science. In the same year, I started working as an Internet marketer in a private company, where I still work today. At the same time, I am developing my Internet resources, programming at an amateur level, looking for and testing various ways to make money on the Internet, which I share on this Internet resource.

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